Hichat/嗨聊 通讯应用程序服务 服务条款


Hichat(中国地区版本产品名称为: 嗨聊) 服务条款及条件(以下简称「本条款」)规范奇异科技资讯有限公司(以下简称「奇异」)提供所有Hichat/嗨聊相关产品与服务(以下简称「本服务」)给本服务的用户(以下简称「用户」)使用时所适用的条款及条件。

一、 定义

1-1 「内容」系指文字、语音、音乐、图片、影片、软件、程序、代码及其他信息等内容。
1-2 「本内容」系指可透过本服务连结的内容。
1-3 「传送内容」系指用户传送、上传至本服务的内容。
1-4 「个别使用条款」系指与本服务有关但有别于本条款,以「条款」、「准则」、「政策」等名称由奇异所发布或上传的条款及条件。

二、 对于本条款的同意表示

2-2 如用户为未成年人,须经过亲权人等法定代理人同意后,方能使用本服务。此外,如用户代表业者使用本服务时,亦请于该业者同意本条款后,再使用本服务。
2-3 本服务于有适用之个别使用条款时,除本条款外,用户亦应遵照个别使用条款规定使用本服务。

三、 条款的变更

四、 账号

4-1 用户于使用本服务时可能需要注册特定数据以设立帐户。用户应提供真实、正确且完整的数据,并应进行修改以随时提供更新的数据。
4-2 用户如于使用本服务时注册任何验证信息,应自行负责谨慎保管该等信息,以免遭到不当使用。利用该等验证信息所进行的一切行为,奇异均视为提交验证信息之用户本人的行为。
4-3 奇异得在不事先通知用户的情形下,删除自最后一次联机起已经过一年以上的账号。
4-4 自账号删除时起,用户于本服务的所有使用权不论任何理由均为消灭。原有的账号将无法回复,敬请留意。
4-5 本服务的账号专属于用户个人。用户于本服务的所有使用权皆不得转让、出借或以其他方式授予第三人或使第三人继承或继受。

五、 隐私权

5-1 奇异尊重并致力于保护用户的隐私权。
5-2 奇异依照Hichat/嗨聊 隐私权政策,妥善处理用户的隐私数据与个人资料。
5-3 奇异将会以安全的方式管理自用户处搜集的数据,并对安全管理采取严格的措施。

六、 服务的提供

6-1 用户就本服务的使用,应自费及负责备置必要的个人计算机、行动装置、智能型手机及其他通信设备、操作系统、通信方式及电力等。
6-2 奇异得按用户年龄及身分、有无注册数据、及其他奇异判断为必要的条件,将本服务的全部或部分提供给符合上揭条件的用户。
6-3 奇异保留权利于认为有必要时,得不事先通知用户,随时自行决定变更本服务的全部或部分内容。
6-4 于下列情况下,奇异得不事先通知用户,中止提供本服务之全部或一部:
(1) 执行系统维护或维修;
(2) 本服务因不可抗力事件,如意外事件(火灾、停电等)、天灾、战争、暴动、劳资纠纷等,而无法提供;
(3) 系统故障或系统过载;
(4) 为确保用户或第三人安全,或于紧急情况下为维护公众利益;或
(5) 除上列第(1)至(4)款所载情事外,于奇异合理认为有必要时。

七、 无紧急通报功能


八、 广告刊登


九、 第三方服务


十、 内容

10-1 奇异就奇异所提供的本内容授予用户使用权,此使用权不得转让、不得转授权,且不具有专属性,并以使用本服务为唯一目的。
10-2 如果用户使用的本内容另有规定使用费、使用期间等使用条件时,用户即应遵照该等使用条件。即使本服务接口上有显示「购买」、「贩卖」等文字,奇异对客户提供的本内容相关知识产权及其他权利亦不因此移转给用户,对用户仅有授予上述使用权。
10-3 用户不得超出本服务所订定的使用样态而使用(包括但不限于复制、传输、重制和修改等行为)本内容。
10-4 请用户自行备份传送内容的全部或一部。奇异并无义务备份任何传送内容。
10-5 本服务可能具备可使多位用户编辑内容(传送、修改、删除等)的功能。在此情形下,用户同意其他用户可编辑该用户自行传送的内容。
10-6 用户对传送内容应有的权利维持不变,奇异并未取得相关权利。但若用户向其他用户普遍公开传送内容(亦即,对其他不在好友名单内的用户亦公开传送内容),用户将被视为授权奇异得将该传送内容用于提供服务和促销目的(包括奇异于认有必要且适当的范围内,加以省略等变更的权利,以及将相关使用权转授权给与奇异有业务合作的第三人的权利)。
10-7 用户不得于奇异或第三人依据上述第10.5条及第10.6条使用传送内容时行使著作人格权。
10-8 如奇异认为有必要确认有无违反法令或本条款规定等情形时,得于法律及法规允许的范围内,对传送内容进行确认。但此不代表奇异有义务进行该等确认。
10-9 如奇异认为用户传送内容违反法令或本条款规定或有违反之虞,或有其他业务上需求时,得不事先通知用户,以删除传送内容等方式限制本服务中传送内容的使用。

十一、 禁止事项

11-1 违反法令、法院判决、裁定或命令或具有法令拘束力的行政措施的行为;
11-2 恐有危害公共秩序或善良风俗的行为;
11-3 侵害著作权、商标权、专利权等知识产权、名誉权、隐私权、其他依据法令或与奇异及/或第三人合约规定的权利的行为;
11-4 传送或传送内容有过度暴力的内容、性暗示过度露骨的内容、构成儿童色情或儿童虐待的内容、涉及种族、国籍、信仰、性别、社会地位、家世等有关歧视的内容、引诱或助长自杀、自伤行为或滥用药物的内容、其他包含反社会情节在内等使人感到不愉快内容的行为;
11-5 伪装成奇异及/或第三人的行为或故意散布不实信息的行为;
11-6 传送相同或类似讯息给大量不特定用户的行为(经奇异同意者除外)、随机将其他用户加入为好友或群组的行为、及其他奇异判断为构成垃圾讯息的行为;
11-7 藉由奇异规定以外的方式,以本内容及本服务的使用权兑换现金、财物或其他经济利益的行为;
11-8 以营销、宣传、广告、招揽或其他营利为目的之行为(经奇异同意者除外)、以性行为或猥亵行为为目的之行为、以与未曾谋面的第三人认识或发生性行为为目的之行为、以骚扰或毁谤中伤其他用户为目的之行为、其他基于与本服务订定的使用目的不同之目的使用本服务的行为;
11-9 对反社会势力提供利益或其他协助的行为;
11-10 劝诱参与宗教活动或宗教团体的行为;
11-11 未经授权或不当搜集、公开或提供他人的个人资料、注册数据、使用记录数据等的行为;
11-12 干扰本服务的服务器或网络系统的行为、利用网络机器人(bots)、作弊工具、其他技术性手段不当操作服务的行为、故意利用本服务漏洞的行为、超出必要限度重复同一问题等对奇异提出不当洽询或要求的行为、其他妨碍奇异经营本服务或其他用户使用本服务,并制造干扰的行为;
11-13 为达成不合理目的或透过不公平方式,透过逆向工程、反编译或其他方式对本服务之原始码进行译码;
11-14 支持或助长符合前述第11-1项至第11-13项任一行为的行为;以及
11-15 前述第11-1项至第11-14项所述行为外,其他奇异合理判断为不适当的行为。

十二、 用户责任

12-1 用户应自行承担责任使用本服务,对于在本服务所从事的所有行为及其结果应自行负担一切责任。
12-2 若用户发生或可能发生下列情事,奇异得不事先通知用户,即可中止该用户使用本服务之全部或一部,停用或删除帐户、取消用户与奇异之间关于本服务的合约(包括但不限于依据本条款成立的合约,以下皆同),或采取奇异合理认为必要及适当的任何其他措施:
(1) 用户违反相关法令、本条款或任何个别条款;
(2) 用户为反社会势力或相关党派成员;
(3) 用户透过散播不实信息、利用诈欺方式或势力,或透过其他不法方式破坏奇异的信誉;
(4) 用户遭声请被扣押、假扣押、拍卖、进入破产、民事重整或类似程序,或奇异合理认为用户的信用有不确定性;或
(5) 用户与奇异之间的信任关系已不存在,或因上列第(1)款至第(4)款以外事由,使奇异合理认为奇异不再适合向用户提供本服务。
12-3 起因于用户使用本服务(包括但不限于奇异收到第三人对于用户使用本服务所提出的申诉),致奇异直接或间接蒙受任何损失/损害(包括但不限于律师费用的负担)时,用户应依照奇异的要求立即给予补偿。

十三、 无保证


十四、 有限责任

14-1 用户若因使用本服务而遭受任何损害,除非该损害系因可归责于奇异的故意或重大过失所致,奇异概不负责。但若用户与奇异之间关于本服务的合约属于日本消费者合约法定义的消费者合约(下称「消费者合约」),奇异应就任何因奇异过失(不含重大过失)而产生的合约或侵权损害提供赔偿,惟仅限于:(A) 正常产生的损害(亦即,不包括利润损失及其他因特殊情事而产生的损害);且 (B) 赔偿金额最高仅限于用户于发生损害之当月,就付费服务而向奇异支付的服务使用费。
14-2 若用户因奇异的重大过失而产生损害,奇异将负责提供赔偿,但仅限于:(A) 正常产生的损害(亦即,不包括利润损失及其他因特殊情事而产生的损害);且 (B) 赔偿金额最高仅限于用户于发生损害之当月,就付费服务而向奇异支付的服务使用费;但若用户及奇异间的合约属日本消费者合约法定义的消费者合约,则不适用前述约定。

十五、 本条款及法令间的关系


十六、 联络方式

16-1 奇异向用户发送本服务相关通知,将以本服务或奇异网站内的适当处公布或其他奇异判断为适当的方式进行。
16-2 用户向奇异发送本服务相关通知,请以本服务或奇异网站内的适当处所设置的问题反应表传送或依奇异指定方式进行。
16-3 用户可以随时奇异联络,以处理使用本服务所遭遇之相关问题,并按本服务条款予以协助,请Email 至:[email protected]

十七、 准据法、管辖法院

17-1 关于本服务条款之解释或适用,以中华民国之法律为准据法。
17-2 用户与奇异间所发生起因于本服务或与本服务有关联的纷争,同意本诚信原则解决之,如有诉讼之必要时,同意以台湾台北地方法院为第一审管辖法院。


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Hichat/嗨聊 通訊應用程式服務 服務條款


Hichat(中國地區版本產品名稱為: 嗨聊) 服務條款及條件(以下簡稱「本條款」)規範奇異科技資訊有限公司(以下簡稱「奇異」)提供所有Hichat/嗨聊相關產品與服務(以下簡稱「本服務」)給本服務的使用者(以下簡稱「用戶」)使用時所適用的條款及條件。

一、 定義

1-1 「內容」系指文字、語音、音樂、圖片、影片、軟體、程式、代碼及其他資訊等內容。
1-2 「本內容」系指可透過本服務連結的內容。
1-3 「傳送內容」系指使用者傳送、上傳至本服務的內容。
1-4 「個別使用條款」系指與本服務有關但有別於本條款,以「條款」、「準則」、「政策」等名稱由奇異所發佈或上傳的條款及條件。

二、 對於本條款的同意表示

2-2 如用戶為未成年人,須經過親權人等法定代理人同意後,方能使用本服務。此外,如使用者代表業者使用本服務時,亦請於該業者同意本條款後,再使用本服務。
2-3 本服務於有適用之個別使用條款時,除本條款外,用戶亦應遵照個別使用條款規定使用本服務。

三、 條款的變更

四、 帳號

4-1 使用者於使用本服務時可能需要註冊特定資料以設立帳戶。使用者應提供真實、正確且完整的資料,並應進行修改以隨時提供更新的資料。
4-2 使用者如於使用本服務時註冊任何驗證資訊,應自行負責謹慎保管該等資訊,以免遭到不當使用。利用該等驗證資訊所進行的一切行為,奇異均視為提交驗證資訊之使用者本人的行為。
4-3 奇異得在不事先通知用戶的情形下,刪除自最後一次連線起已經過一年以上的帳號。
4-4 自帳號刪除時起,使用者於本服務的所有使用權不論任何理由均為消滅。原有的帳號將無法回復,敬請留意。
4-5 本服務的帳號專屬於使用者個人。使用者於本服務的所有使用權皆不得轉讓、出借或以其他方式授予第三人或使第三人繼承或繼受。

五、 隱私權

5-1 奇異尊重並致力於保護用戶的隱私權。
5-2 奇異依照Hichat/嗨聊 隱私權政策,妥善處理使用者的隱私資料與個人資料。
5-3 奇異將會以安全的方式管理自使用者處搜集的資料,並對安全管理採取嚴格的措施。

六、 服務的提供

6-1 使用者就本服務的使用,應自費及負責備置必要的個人電腦、行動裝置、智慧型手機及其他通信設備、作業系統、通信方式及電力等。
6-2 奇異得按用戶年齡及身分、有無註冊資料、及其他奇異判斷為必要的條件,將本服務的全部或部分提供給符合上揭條件的用戶。
6-3 奇異保留權利於認為有必要時,得不事先通知用戶,隨時自行決定變更本服務的全部或部分內容。
6-4 於下列情況下,奇異得不事先通知使用者,中止提供本服務之全部或一部:
(1) 執行系統維護或維修;
(2) 本服務因不可抗力事件,如意外事件(火災、停電等)、天災、戰爭、暴動、勞資糾紛等,而無法提供;
(3) 系統故障或系統超載;
(4) 為確保用戶或第三人安全,或於緊急情況下為維護公眾利益;或
(5) 除上列第(1)至(4)款所載情事外,於奇異合理認為有必要時。

七、 無緊急通報功能


八、 廣告刊登


九、 協力廠商服務


十、 內容

10-1 奇異就奇異所提供的本內容授予使用者使用權,此使用權不得轉讓、不得轉授權,且不具有專屬性,並以使用本服務為唯一目的。
10-2 如果使用者使用的本內容另有規定使用費、使用期間等使用條件時,用戶即應遵照該等使用條件。即使本服務介面上有顯示「購買」、「販賣」等文字,奇異對客戶提供的本內容相關智慧財產權及其他權利亦不因此移轉給用戶,對用戶僅有授予上述使用權。
10-3 使用者不得超出本服務所訂定的使用樣態而使用(包括但不限於複製、傳輸、重制和修改等行為)本內容。
10-4 請使用者自行備份傳送內容的全部或一部。奇異並無義務備份任何傳送內容。
10-5 本服務可能具備可使多位元使用者編輯內容(傳送、修改、刪除等)的功能。在此情形下,用戶同意其他用戶可編輯該使用者自行傳送的內容。
10-6 使用者對傳送內容應有的權利維持不變,奇異並未取得相關權利。但若使用者向其他使用者普遍公開傳送內容(亦即,對其他不在好友名單內的使用者亦公開傳送內容),使用者將被視為授權奇異得將該傳送內容用於提供服務和促銷目的(包括奇異於認有必要且適當的範圍內,加以省略等變更的權利,以及將相關使用權轉授權給與奇異有業務合作的第三人的權利)。
10-7 用戶不得於奇異或第三人依據上述第10.5條及第10.6條使用傳送內容時行使著作人格權。
10-8 如奇異認為有必要確認有無違反法令或本條款規定等情形時,得於法律及法規允許的範圍內,對傳送內容進行確認。但此不代表奇異有義務進行該等確認。
10-9 如奇異認為使用者傳送內容違反法令或本條款規定或有違反之虞,或有其他業務上需求時,得不事先通知使用者,以刪除傳送內容等方式限制本服務中傳送內容的使用。

十一、 禁止事項

11-1 違反法令、法院判決、裁定或命令或具有法令拘束力的行政措施的行為;
11-2 恐有危害公共秩序或善良風俗的行為;
11-3 侵害著作權、商標權、專利權等智慧財產權、名譽權、隱私權、其他依據法令或與奇異及/或第三人合約規定的權利的行為;
11-4 傳送或傳送內容有過度暴力的內容、性暗示過度露骨的內容、構成兒童色情或兒童虐待的內容、涉及種族、國籍、信仰、性別、社會地位、家世等有關歧視的內容、引誘或助長自殺、自傷行為或濫用藥物的內容、其他包含反社會情節在內等使人感到不愉快內容的行為;
11-5 偽裝成奇異及/或第三人的行為或故意散佈不實資訊的行為;
11-6 傳送相同或類似訊息給大量不特定使用者的行為(經奇異同意者除外)、隨機將其他用戶加入為好友或群組的行為、及其他奇異判斷為構成垃圾訊息的行為;
11-7 藉由奇異規定以外的方式,以本內容及本服務的使用權兌換現金、財物或其他經濟利益的行為;
11-8 以行銷、宣傳、廣告、招攬或其他營利為目的之行為(經奇異同意者除外)、以性行為或猥褻行為為目的之行為、以與未曾謀面的第三人認識或發生性行為為目的之行為、以騷擾或譭謗中傷其他使用者為目的之行為、其他基於與本服務訂定的使用目的不同之目的使用本服務的行為;
11-9 對反社會勢力提供利益或其他協助的行為;
11-10 勸誘參與宗教活動或宗教團體的行為;
11-11 未經授權或不當搜集、公開或提供他人的個人資料、註冊資料、使用記錄資料等的行為;
11-12 干擾本服務的伺服器或網路系統的行為、利用網路機器人(bots)、作弊工具、其他技術性手段不當操作服務的行為、故意利用本服務漏洞的行為、超出必要限度重複同一問題等對奇異提出不當洽詢或要求的行為、其他妨礙奇異經營本服務或其他使用者使用本服務,並製造干擾的行為;
11-13 為達成不合理目的或透過不公平方式,透過逆向工程、反編譯或其他方式對本服務之原始碼進行解碼;
11-14 支持或助長符合前述第11-1項至第11-13項任一行為的行為;以及
11-15 前述第11-1項至第11-14項所述行為外,其他奇異合理判斷為不適當的行為。

十二、 用戶責任

12-1 用戶應自行承擔責任使用本服務,對於在本服務所從事的所有行為及其結果應自行負擔一切責任。
12-2 若用戶發生或可能發生下列情事,奇異得不事先通知用戶,即可中止該使用者使用本服務之全部或一部,停用或刪除帳戶、取消用戶與奇異之間關於本服務的合約(包括但不限於依據本條款成立的合約,以下皆同),或採取奇異合理認為必要及適當的任何其他措施:
(1) 用戶違反相關法令、本條款或任何個別條款;
(2) 用戶為反社會勢力或相關黨派成員;
(3) 使用者透過散播不實資訊、利用詐欺方式或勢力,或透過其他不法方式破壞奇異的信譽;
(4) 用戶遭聲請被扣押、假扣押、拍賣、進入破產、民事重整或類似程式,或奇異合理認為用戶的信用有不確定性;或
(5) 用戶與奇異之間的信任關係已不存在,或因上列第(1)款至第(4)款以外事由,使奇異合理認為奇異不再適合向使用者提供本服務。
12-3 起因於使用者使用本服務(包括但不限於奇異收到第三人對於使用者使用本服務所提出的申訴),致奇異直接或間接蒙受任何損失/損害(包括但不限於律師費用的負擔)時,用戶應依照奇異的要求立即給予補償。

十三、 無保證


十四、 有限責任

14-1 使用者若因使用本服務而遭受任何損害,除非該損害系因可歸責於奇異的故意或重大過失所致,奇異概不負責。但若使用者與奇異之間關於本服務的合約屬於日本消費者合約法定義的消費者合約(下稱「消費者合約」),奇異應就任何因奇異過失(不含重大過失)而產生的合約或侵權損害提供賠償,惟僅限於:(A) 正常產生的損害(亦即,不包括利潤損失及其他因特殊情事而產生的損害);且 (B) 賠償金額最高僅限於用戶於發生損害之當月,就付費服務而向奇異支付的服務使用費。
14-2 若用戶因奇異的重大過失而產生損害,奇異將負責提供賠償,但僅限於:(A) 正常產生的損害(亦即,不包括利潤損失及其他因特殊情事而產生的損害);且 (B) 賠償金額最高僅限於用戶於發生損害之當月,就付費服務而向奇異支付的服務使用費;但若用戶及奇異間的合約屬日本消費者合約法定義的消費者合約,則不適用前述約定。

十五、 本條款及法令間的關係


十六、 聯絡方式

16-1 奇異向使用者發送本服務相關通知,將以本服務或奇異網站內的適當處公佈或其他奇異判斷為適當的方式進行。
16-2 使用者向奇異發送本服務相關通知,請以本服務或奇異網站內的適當處所設置的問題反應表傳送或依奇異指定方式進行。
16-3 用戶可以隨時奇異聯絡,以處理使用本服務所遭遇之相關問題,並按本服務條款予以協助,請Email 至:[email protected]

十七、 准據法、管轄法院

17-1 關於本服務條款之解釋或適用,以中華民國之法律為准據法。
17-2 用戶與奇異間所發生起因於本服務或與本服務有關聯的紛爭,同意本誠信原則解決之,如有訴訟之必要時,同意以臺灣臺北地方法院為第一審管轄法院。


Copyright @ Hichat 版權所有

Terms of Service for Hichat/Hailiao Communication Application


These Terms and Conditions of Service (hereinafter referred to as "Terms") specify the applicable terms and conditions to those cases where QIYI TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "QIYI") provides all Hichat-related products and services (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") for the users of the Service (hereinafter referred to as the "User").

1. Definition

The following terms are used in these Terms:
1-1 "Content" refers to any content such as text, voice, music, pictures, videos, software, programs, codes and other information.
1-2 "The Content" refers to any content that can be linked through the Service.
1-3 "Transferred Content" refers to any content transferred and/or uploaded by the user to the Service.
1-4 "Individual Terms of Use" refers to any terms and conditions related to the Service but different from these Terms, which are published or uploaded by QIYI under the names of "Terms", "Guidelines", and "Policies", etc.

2. Expression of Agreement upon these Terms

2-1 The user shall use the Service as specified herein.Unless the user agrees upon these Terms, the Service shall not be used.
2-2 If the user is a minor, he or she cannot use the Service without the consent of a legal representative such as his or her parent.Moreover, if the user uses the Service on behalf of an employer, the user is advised to use the Service after the employer agrees upon these Terms.
2-3 In addition to these Terms, the user shall also use the Service in accordance with the individual terms (if any) of use applicable to the Service.

3. Changes to the Terms
QIYI must change these Terms only for the purpose of the Service as necessary it determines.QIYI will announce relevant changes (if any) to these Terms and their effective dates on the Service or QIYI’s website, or notify the user in other ways determined by QIYI.
Changes to these Terms will take effect on the date on which they become effective.

4. Account

4-1 The user may need to register certain data to create an account when using the Service.The user shall provide the true, correct and complete data and shall make amendments to provide any updated data at any time.
4-2 If the user registers any authentication information when using the Service, the user is obliged to carefully keep such information and avoid any improper use thereof.All the actions regarding the use of such authentication information shall be regarded as the actions of the user who submitted the same.
4-3 QIYI shall delete the account that has not been used for more than one year since the last network connection without any prior notice to the user.
4-4 Once the account is deleted, all the user's rights to use the Service will be canceled for any reason.Please note that the original account will not be restored.
4-5 The account of the Service is exclusive to the user.All the user’s rights to use the Service shall not be transferred, lent or otherwise granted to, or inherited or succeeded by, a third party.

5. Privacy

5-1 QIYI respects and is committed to protecting the user’s right to privacy.
5-2 QIYI shall properly process the user’s private data and personal information in accordance with Hichat's Privacy Policy.
5-3 QIYI will manage the data collected from the user in a secure manner and take strict measures for security management.

6. Provision of Services

6-1 The User shall, at his or her own expense and be responsible for the provision of any necessary PC, mobile device, smart phone, other communication equipment, operating system, communication method, electricity and the like for the use of the Service.
6-2 QIYI may provide all or part of the Service for any user who meets the aforesaid conditions based on the user's age and identity, the availability or absence of registration data, and other conditions deemed necessary by QIYI.
6-3 QIYI reserves the right to change all or part of the content of the Service at its own discretion at any time without a prior notice to the user when it deems necessary.
6-4 Under the following circumstances, QIYI may suspend the provision of all or part of the Service without a prior notice to the user:
(1) Perform any system maintenance or repair;
(2) The Service cannot be provided due to any force majeure events, such as accidents (e.g., fire, power outage), natural disasters, wars, riots, labor disputes and so on;
(3) System failure or system overload;
(4) To ensure the safety of the user or any third party, or safeguard the public interest in an emergency; or
(5) In addition to the matters specified in Paragraphs (1) to (4) above, when QIYI reasonably deems it necessary.

7. No Emergency Notification Function

The Service is not assigned a function to issue an emergency notice to any police, coast guard, fire, or other agencies.

8. Advertising

QIYI is entitled to publish advertisements of itself, the Service or any third party on th

9. Third Party’s Services

The Service may contain any services or content provided by a third-party provider.Such third-party provider is responsible for the services and/or content so provided.Furthermore, any terms of use and other conditions specified by such third-party provider may be applicable to such services or content.

10. Content

10-1 QIYI grants the user the right to use the content provided by QIYI, which shall not be transferred or sub-authorized, and shall be non-exclusive and for the sole purpose of using the Service.
10-2 The User shall comply with other conditions of use (if any) applicable to the content used by the user regarding the usage fee, period and other matters.Even if there are words such as "purchase" and "sell" on the screen of the Service , the intellectual property and other rights related to the content provided by QIYI for the customer will never be transferred to the user; instead, the user only reserves the right to use the same.
10-3 The user shall not use (including but not limited to copying, transferring, reproducing and modifying) this content beyond the usage status stipulated for the Service.
10-4 The user is advised to back up all or part of the transferred content.QIYI is not obliged to back up any transferred content.
10-5 The Service may have functions that enable multiple users to edit (transmit, modify, delete) the content.Under such circumstance, the user agrees that other users may edit the content transferred by the user.
10-6 The user's due rights to the transferred content remain unchanged, and QIYI has not obtained any relevant rights.However, if the user transfers such content publicly to other users (i.e., other users who are not in the friend list), the user will be deemed to authorize QIYI to use such transferred content for the service provision and promotional purposes (including the right to omit part of and otherwise change such content if QIYI deems necessary and appropriate, and the right to sub-authorize the relevant use rights to any third parties who have business cooperation with QIYI).
10-7 The users shall not exercise moral rights when QIYI or a third party uses the transferred content as specified in Sub-clauses 10.5 and 10.6 above.
10-8 If QIYI deems it necessary to confirm whether there is any violation against laws and regulations or these Terms, it may confirm the transferred content to the extent permitted by laws and regulations.However, this does not indicate that QIYI is obliged to make such confirmation.
10-9 If QIYI believes that the content transmitted by the user violates laws and regulations or these Terms or constitutes such threat, or there are other business needs, it may restrict the usage of the transferred content in the Service by deleting the same without a prior notice to the user.

11. Prohibition

The user shall not engage in the following acts when using the Service:
11-1 Any acts that violate laws and regulations, court judgments, rulings, orders, or legally binding administrative measures;
11-2 Any acts that may endanger the public order or good customs;
11-3 Any acts that infringe upon intellectual property rights such as copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights, reputation rights, privacy rights, or other rights stipulated by laws and regulations or any contracts with QIYI and/or third parties;
11-4 Transfer of any content which is excessively violent, excessively sexually explicit, or those that constitute child pornography or child abuse, any content involving discrimination against race, nationality, belief, gender, social status, or family origin, inducement or promotion of suicide, self-harm or substance abuse, any repulsive content including anti-social elements;
11-5 Any acts disguised as those of QIYI and/or third parties, or intentionally spreading false information;
11-6 Sending the same or similar information to a large number of unspecified users (except those with the consent of QIYI), or randomly adding other users as friends or groups, and other acts that constitute spam as determined by QIYI;
11-7 Exchanging this content and the right to use the Service for cash, property or other economic benefits in any way other than those specified by QIYI;
11-8 Any acts for the purpose of marketing, publicity, advertising, solicitation or other profit-making (unless with the consent of QIYI), for sexual or obscene purposes, for the purpose of getting to know or have sex with a third party who has never met, of harassing or slandering other users, and other acts of using the Service for a purpose other than those specified for the Service;
11-9 Any acts of providing benefits or other assistance for anti-social forces;
11-10 Any acts that induce participation in religious activities or religious groups;
11-11 Unauthorized or improper collection, disclosure or provision of others’ personal, registration, usage record data and so on;
11-12 Any acts that interfere with the server or network system of the Service, use of network robots (bots), cheating tools, or other technical means to improperly operate the Service, intentional use of loopholes in the Service, or reclaiming the same question beyond the necessary limits against QIYI for inappropriate inquiries or requests, other acts that hinder QIYI's operation or other users' use of the Service, and constitute interferences;
11-13 Decode the original code of the Service through reverse engineering or decompilation, or by other means for unreasonable purposes or by unfair means;
11-14 Any behavior that supports or facilitates any of those acts described in the preceding Paragraphs
11-1 to 11-13; and
11-15 Other acts that are inappropriate as reasonably determined by QIYI, in addition to those described in the preceding Paragraphs 11-1 to 11-14.

12. User’s Responsibilities

12-1 The user shall use the Service and assume the responsibility in connection therewith, and shall bear all the responsibilities for any actions and results of the Service.
12-2 If the user has or may have any of the following situations, QIYI can suspend the user's use of all or part of the Service without a prior notice to the user, deactivate or delete the account, and cancel the relationship between the user and QIYI regarding the Service (including but not limited to any contracts concluded in accordance with these Terms, hereinafter inclusive), or take any other measure that QIYI reasonably deems necessary and appropriate:
(1) The user violates relevant laws and regulations, these terms or any individual terms;
(2) The user is a member of an anti-social force or a related party;
(3) The user destroys the reputation of QIYI by spreading any false information, using fraudulent methods, or by other illegal means;
(4) The user is claimed to be subject to detention, provisional detention or auction, enters into bankruptcy, civil reorganization or similar proceedings, or QIYI reasonably believes that the user's credit is uncertain; or
(5) The trust relationship between the user and QIYI no longer exists, or due to any reasons other than the foregoing Paragraphs (1) to (4), QIYI reasonably believes that QIYI is no longer suitable for providing the Service for the user.
12-3 If QIYI suffers any loss/damage directly or indirectly (including but not limited to the attorney fees) due to the user's use of the Service (including but not limited to QIYI's receipt of a third party's complaint against the user's use of the Service), the user shall make immediate compensation as required by QIYI.

13. No Warranty

QIYI makes no express or implied warranties regarding the Service (including this content) that it is free from any defect (including but not limited to security, inaccuracies, errors, program bugs, or infringements), as well as its safety, reliability, correctness, integrity, validity, or fitness for specific purposes.In any event, QIYI shall not be responsible for removing such defects before providing the Service for the user.

14. Limited Liability

14-1 QIYI shall not be liable for any damage that the user suffers due to his or her use of the Service, unless such damage arises from any intentional or gross negligence attributable to QIYI.However, if the contract between the user and QIYI regarding the Service constitutes a consumer contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Consumer Contract") as defined by the Consumer Contract Law of Japan, QIYI shall make compensation for contractual or tort damages arising from QIYI’s fault (excluding gross negligence), and such compensation is limited to: (A) damages normally incurred (that is, excluding lost profits and other damages arising from special circumstances); and (B) the amount of compensation is limited to the maximum amount of the usage fee paid by the user to QIYI for the paid service in the month in which the damage occurs.
14-2 If the user suffers any damage due to the gross negligence of QIYI, QIYI shall provide compensation, which is limited to: (A) damages normally incurred (that is, excluding lost profits and other damages arising from special circumstances); and (B) the amount of compensation is limited to the maximum amount of the usage fee paid by the user to QIYI for the paid service in the month in which the damage occurs; however, if the contract between the user and QIYI constitutes a consumer contract as defined by Consumer Contract Law of Japan, the aforesaid agreement shall not apply.

15. Relationship between these Terms and Laws and Regulations

If these Terms violate the relevant laws and regulations applicable to the related contract between the user and QIYI regarding the Service, any illegal provisions herein shall not apply to such user contract, but the remaining provisions herein shall not be affected.

16. Contact Information

16-1 QIYI will send notices related to the Service to the user in an appropriate place in the Service, or on QIYI’s official site, or in other ways that QIYI deems appropriate.
16-2 The user can send relevant notices about the Service to QIYI through the feedback form set up in the appropriate place in the Service, or on QIYI’s website, or in other ways specified by QIYI.
16-3 The user can contact QIYI at any time to deal with any related problems in the use of the Service, and provide assistance in accordance with the terms of service. Please email to: [email protected].

17. Governing Laws and Competent Court

These Terms are written in English to regulate the relationship between the user and QIYI.If QIYI provides the user with any other language translation of these Terms, and if there is any discrepancy between such translation and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.
17-1 The interpretation or application of these Terms of Service shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of China.
17-2 Both parties agree to resolve any disputes between the user and QIYI arising from or related to the Service in good faith, and agree to regard the Taiwan Taipei District Court as the first instance court if litigation is necessary.

Date of last update of these Terms: August 10, 2022

Copyright @ Hichat All rights reserved.